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1、Two little black birds,sitting on the hill.
One named Jake, the other named Jill.
Fly away away Jill.
Come back back Jill.
2、《 five 亿阳信通股吧monkeys 》
Five monkeys are on the swing
They laugh at the crocodile
The crocodile is coming
Awu awu awu
Eat one monkey
Four monkeys are on the swing
They laugh at the crocodile
The crocodile is coming
Awu awu awu
Eat one monkey
three monkeys are on the swing
They laugh at the crocodile
The crocodile is coming
Awu awu awu 股票600543
Eat one monkey
two monkeys are on the swing
They laugh at the crocodile
The crocodile is coming
Awu awu awu
Eat one monkey
one monkey is on the swing
it laughs at the crocodile
The crocodile is coming
Awu awu awu
Eat one monkey
3、five juicy apples
Five juicy apples sitting on a plate
Let’s eat ’s delicious
Four juicy apples sitting on a plate
Let’s eat ’s delicious 股票002340
Three juicy apples..
Two juicy apples?|涨停直播.
One juicy apple
No juicy apples sitting on a call the doctor
We have got a stomachache(肚子疼)
(circle game)
4、doggy,doggy,where is your bone?
Doggy,doggy,where is your bone?
Somebody took it from your home
Upstairs,downstairs,by 长城消费 the telephone
Wake up doggie,find your bone
5、One frog goes,gua
Two frogs go,gua,gua
Three frogs go,gua,gua,gua
Four frogs go gua,gua,gua,gua
Five frogs go,gua,gua,gua,gua,gua
( the students can change the sentences to other animals)
6、I am a little teapot
I am a little teapot short and stout
(iam 时双手指向自己,后面句子时右手臂在身体右侧举起并华夏000001 弯曲使手心向下与
here is my handle and here |300036 is my spout
when I get all steam up
then I shut
tip me over pour me out
who is coming?(右手食指指脑侧打转,作一休思考状)
miao,miao,miao miao miao
the cat is coming
who is coming? (右手食指指脑侧打转,作一休思考状)
wang,wang,wang wang wang
the dog is coming
listening listening(手放于耳侧做倾听状,左右各一次)
who is coming(右手食指指脑侧打转,作一休思考状)
ding ling,dingling,dinglinglingling(一手拉马车,一手挥鞭状)
the jingle 600584股吧 bells is singing(双手举上摇动,欢快状)
now,let’s sit well(全体坐好)
what can you see?(摆波浪手势在胸前划过)
I can see a bird(摆小鸟飞翔的姿势)
in the tree(两手张开举过头顶摇摆)
I can see a monkey(摆小猴子姿势)
drinking tea(一手握拳仰头喝茶状)
I can see a tiger(老虎状)
watching tv(呈拇指按遥控器)
two fingers剪剪
three fingers弯弯
four fingers叉叉
five fingers开花
six fingers打电话 600031股票行情
seven fingers捏捏
eight fingers (piapia )
nine fingers勾勾
ten fingers砰啪
9、one finger 点点
10、I like to smile,
I like to laugh,
Happy baby,
Happy baby,
It’s me!
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