Book 6 Unit 3 Health Revision
程郭镇中心小学 王晓轮
1、能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:wrong, feel, bad, lesson, healthy, sleep, every;
能听懂、会说、认读单词:cold, fever, cough, headache, medicine, on time, much, better, 老沙博客股市早8点
rest, get well, soon, keep…away, should, enough, junk food, health, fat, 并能结合句型灵
1) “What’s wrong with you?” “I cough and feel cold.”
2) “How are you feeling today?” “Much better.”
3) How can we keep healthy? We should …shouldn’t …
己的见解和看法,形512什么意思 成自己的观点。
Step 1 Warming- up
T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today, we’ll do some revision about “Health”. First, let’s
enjoy a chant about letter “ee”.
有ee的单词,并引出本单元的短语keep healthy,进一步引出话题。
Step 2 Review Lesson 1 & 2
1. Lesson 1
T: We know everyone wants 600268股票 to be |财富牛 healthy. But sometimes we are not healthy. Look at our
friend Wang Hong. Now she is not healthy. So they go and see the doctor. What does the
doctor say? Do you remember?
Ss: What’s wrong with you?
T: Wang Hong says…
Ss: I cough and feel cold.
T: She has many symptoms. What are they, do you remember?
Ss: have a 盛通股份股票 headachehave a fever
T: So the doctor says…
Ss: You have a bad cold.
T: Please pay 股票002400 attention to the word “cold”. Here “cold” means … “It’s windy. It’s cold.”
Here “cold” means … They are different.
【设计意图】以be healthy为主线,复习重点句型及感冒症状的相关知识,给学生提
2. Lesson 2
T: Wang Hong has a bad cold. She doesn’t go to school. Miss Zhang is worried about her .
So she calls Wang Hong. What does she say?
Ss: How are you feeling 科苑集团today?
T: Wang Hong says…
Ss: Much better.
And then, Miss Zhang, Wang Hong’mum, Li Ming and Danny give her some suggestions.
What are they? Please talk about in pairs.
Mum says: Take the medicine on time and drink some water.
Miss Zhang says: Take a good rest.
Danny says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
T: Miss Zhang, mum, Li Ming and Danny are so kind. I believe you’re kind, too.
What else suggestion do you have?
提示:Wang Hong coughs. What fruit can she eat? Pears. 其余的出示图片领读Look,
here’re some pictures for you.
soak feet in warm water 热水泡脚 drink ginger soup 喝姜汤
T: When someone is not healthy, how should we do?
First, we can ask her:
Ss: What’s wrong with you? I……
T: And then, we can say it politely: I’m sorry to hear that.
Then, give her some suggestions.
Now let’s act it out. I’m Wang Hong.
Ss: What’s wrong with you ?
T: I cough. I have a cold.
Ss: I’m sorry to hear that.
S1: Take the medicine on time.
T: Thank you.
S2: …
S3: …
3. Practice in 广发基金查询 groups.
T: Please work in groups, make a dialogue and act it out. Don’t forget to use the sentences
we have talked about.
You did very well. You’re so kind.
Children, we should help each other in our daily life.
话中,引入“I’m sorry to hear that.”一句,既符合西方人的交流习惯,又培养了学生
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